Our Team
President's Message

ASA WRWB Dear Community Members! It is a privilege to serve you along with the rest of our volunteer board members and our dedicated Operations Team. If you need to reach any member of the board or any individual from our Operation Team, please email us @
administration@tricityislamiccenter.org or info@tricityislamiccenter.org. We are looking forward to hearing from you and addressing your inquiries. Jazakum Allah Khair!
Abdullah Tahiri – TCIC Board President
Please see below members of our volunteer Board of Directors and Operations Team in alphabetical order:
Volunteer Board Members
Abdullah Tahiri
Altaf Godil
Nasreen Godil
Tazheen Nizam
Currently Vacant
Advisory Board Member
Basem Ilaian
Operations Team
Current Board Members
Aboubakr Elidrissi
Ahmad Bedawi
Angelique Umutesi
Farouq Fardan
Iskandar Abdullah
Mike Khalil Anderson
Mourad Jamal
Muaz Kedir​